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A Daughter's Simple Prayer

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

I have not words to pray, Lord. My heart is full of moans. Spirit intercede for me where all I can give are groans. My prayer feels so small Lord-a prayer worn straight through. But You tell us to be persistent-that the broken heart is the kind that pleases You. So here I come again…bending at Thy throne. And because You don’t despise the small things, I have a threadbare prayer for Thee in the hopes I won’t feel so alone.

Father God in heaven, Maker of earth and sky. Promise Maker, and Promise Keeper…the God Whose path is rarely mine. The God who chooses what looks foolish to show the world He’s wise. God who parts the waters-help me here to see-help me to behold- that this is the Red Sea road. For the strivings seem not little; the weary seem not few. Thy hand feels heavy on us with these notes that crescendo. These notes that echo strain are the beauty You use to orchestrate the glory of Thy name. We feel our foundations tremble more than we would like. We find our loved ones turning down different avenues. Some believe things this way, and some believe them that. And where we are still brothers, the twists and bends in the road are causing us to droop. It feels the devil scoffs at our divide. Lord, what are we to do? In addition to all this difference, more cases are exposed-people we once trusted have been masking sinful oppression, shame, and pride. They have hurt Thy precious lambs, and brought disgrace upon Thy name. It makes us feel so vulnerable…afraid to trust again. It’s at times like these, I feel that snake called Belial slithering his way in. Help me yield the sword, to sway it back and forth-a Tool of knowledge used to slice his throat, and silence him with truth. It’s just a simple prayer, Father-I know it isn’t much... But give Thy poor lambs healing-be their Bravery. Gift us men clothed with Thy integrity. Those who hear their Shepherd’s voice, and seek out His lambs who bleat. Give them grace to guard us fiercely-protecting, loving, and understanding deeply the names of all Thy jeweled sheep. Shape the words of our shepherds to be those that comprehend-to minister to weak sheep and bring rebuke to those that spurn. Turn Thy church where needed-for Thy good. In mercy and compassion use these lessons as the humbling that it takes. Help us to give shelter to the oppressed, confused, and young. To give them words where they can utter none. Assist us in our education-for there is always more to learn. Give us charity towards others, and bring justice to the proud. If it please Thee, we plead bring changes to those who stand in need. But if they stand unmoving, taunting in their hearts…help us pray as David did-submitting to the judgements that You deem. Evil hides in silence, and quiet grows the shame. It seems the squirming of the devil only starts when the secrets come to light-where he struggles to cast blame. Help me to examine, forgive my many sins. Hold tender all those who have been touched with the feelings of these pains. Cease my trembling heart with the knowledge “Thy will is always good.” Rest my head upon the safety of Thy comforting breast. See into the cellar of my soul. Find pleasure in my simple prayer, even though I know it isn't much. Sometimes it seems that when my heartache is the freshest, the words are oft the fewest. Thank Thee Lord for listening to my little prayer. Thank Thee for the assurance of my Savior who bore all reproach to bring me repair. Thank Thee for the promise that when it's dark outside, Thy love will always bring the suns ascent,shining hope, and making all things new.

It’s just a simple prayer Lord…just the simple prayer of Your daughter’s needy heart.

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Chelsea Kamps
Chelsea Kamps
Oct 31, 2022

Amen! ❤️

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